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Theme Submissions

    You are warmly invited to submit artwork to RubberStampMadness for issue themes. Submissions are not limited to themes. See General Submissions for information on sending in non-theme artwork. On the back of each submission, please include your name, postal and email addresses, as well as stamp credits. Cover artists receive $200 and the Best New Stamper (someone who hasn’t been published before in RSM) received a $50 gift certificate to the RSM Store. Download the theme submission poster. Download a Mailing Tips article that includes information on postal requirements and tips for keeping mailing costs down.


    Issue 227 Cover- Farmhouse in a field with a dog

    The first theme for the Fall 2025 issue is Awesome Autumn. Thanksgiving and Halloween are obvious choices, but what about the thrill of going back to school? Football games are a big deal for many fans. And there is, of course, the magic of fantastic Fall foliage. Postmark deadline is March 5. 

    The second theme is Postcards.Remember, back in the day, when Mom sent you those 4×6 glossy pictures of places she’d visited?  The Golden Gate Bridge, the Empire State building, and Scrapbooks by the Sea. Fantasy postcards are fun, too. Send us a card from Never Never Land, The Final Frontier, or North Pole, Alaska. Postmark deadline for this theme is March 5. 

    Looking further ahead, the first theme for the Holidays 2025 issue is Holiday Cards. Dazzle us with your best Yuletide greetings, Hanukkah festivities, or Solstice celebrations. Do you love winter? Then give us a jolt of snow and ice. Any subject related to “the most wonderful time of the year” will be warmly received. Postmark deadline is June 5. 

    The second theme is Paper Challenge. Get out your best specialty papers and add them to your submissions. Die-cuts are welcome. Embossing folders are awesome. Any theme is OK as long as at least one stamped image is included. We want to feature a wide range of unusual artwork in this issue. June 5 is the deadline. 

    We look forward to submissions for The Stamp Art Gallery. Artwork is reduced in size and only names of artists and stamp credits are included. Revive us with your fire.

    • Submissions can be as large as 5×6.5-inches. Exceptions are made for dimensional and 3-D pieces. All submissions are subject to reduction.
    • There are two sizes for Cover Art: 1) 8.75×11.25-inches. This size assumes artwork fills the whole cover. There will be a trim of about 0.25-inches off each edge and the RSM logo will be added on top. 2) 8.75×9.25-inches. This size fills the cover except for a 2-inch space at the top for the logo and information about the issue. Again, 0.25-inches will be trimmed off each edge.
    • Artwork is returned when accompanied by an SASE. Send up to four entries per theme, one SASE per theme.
    • When artwork is not returned right away, this means we’re considering it for a theme album, another spot in RSM, or our Facebook page. If you want your submission to be considered for the magazine only, please make a note of this on the back of your artwork. 
    • Send submissions by mail to RubberStampMadness, PO Box 610, Corvallis, OR 97339-0610 or 216 SW Madison Ave., Suite 17, Corvallis, OR 97333. Send submissions by email to graphics@rsmadness. Please include stamp credits, your name, address and email. Project instructions are not needed at this time.